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Does homosexuality spread HIV?

The HIV virus is the most dangerous sexually transmitted virus because it does not have any specific treatment. Currently, the trend of homosexuality has gradually been recognized by society, however, whether homosexual sex with HIV is not always a question.

Ways of HIV transmission

HIV is transmitted mainly through 3 routes:

 Blood transfusion: sharing needles, contacting open wounds with viruses or blood transfusions ...

 Transmission through sexual contact: Sex without using a condom while a sexual partner is infected with HIV.

 Maternal-to-Child Transmission: HIV-infected mothers are passed on to their babies during pregnancy, childbirth (blood and vaginal fluids during labor) and while breastfeeding.

HIV infection among men

Men who have sex with men have a higher risk of acquiring HIV infection than homosexuals. The ways in which men have sex with men will be: Oral - genital, penis - anal, oral - anal, penis - penis.

Penis-anal sex: Anal sex is most likely to cause HIV transmission due to the thin anal mucosa, rectal mucosa with many capillaries, easily damaged, easily bleeding due to There are sebaceous glands to lubricate. Through these scratches, the HIV virus will invade from an infected person to a healthy person

Penis-penis relationship: The HIV virus is abundant in semen, so when the sexual contact between the two genitalia and direct contact with the secretion there is a risk of transmitting the HIV virus to the other person.

When two penises come into contact with each other, do not scratch or bleed but are secreted, they are likely to become infected with HIV or not, if one of them is infected, there is definitely a risk of infection by following factors:

 - When an HIV-infected person secretes secretions, his / her genital fluid contains HIV virus, which has a relatively high number of viruses.

 - There is an invasive pathway due to the fact that the tip of the penis is a point that is only protected by a thin mucosa rather than the normal skin, further during the process of rubbing during cuddling, sensual activation between 2 The penis can produce scratches and injuries that are not visible to the naked eye. In addition, the flute opening at the tip of the penis is also thought to be the point where the virus can penetrate.

Oral-genital relations: Oral sex is considered to be the least contagious, but the possibility of transmission is still possible if the person has mouth sores and bleeding. root, ... the HIV virus of the enemy's genital can directly penetrate into the opponent's blood.

Oral - anal relations: When the oral organs have sores, bleeding teeth and have open and scratched wounds in the anus, the HIV virus can still enter the body through these injuries. .

 The risk of HIV infection among women

The risk of HIV infection among women
The risk of HIV transmission in lesbian relationships is lower than the risk of HIV transmission in gay relationships, but actually there have been cases of lesbians infected with HIV. Forms of sexual intercourse in lesbians are usually: Oral - genital, oral - anal, sextoy, pussy - pussy rubbing.
Oral sex - genital: Still at risk of HIV infection, though safer than vaginal or anal intercourse. When the mouth organs have sores, sores, bleeding teeth ... Usually vaginal discharge is home to many HIV viruses and especially when menstruation period, the risk of infection will be higher when the muscles Mouth organs have open wounds or bleeding. The HIV virus will spread from an open wound, vaginal discharge or menstruation and spread to both.
Oral-anal sex: When both of these organs have open sores, mouth sores, or abrasions, the pathway for the HIV virus to enter the opponent's body directly.
Pussy-pussy-rubbing relationship: The HIV virus is abundant in vaginal fluid so when there is contact, direct contact with the vaginal fluid of the opponent and especially at the time of the menstrual cycle will increase the risk of infection in lesbian relations. The virus invades through mucous membranes and microscopic scabies in the genital muscles caused by sexual intercourse.
Relationship with an intermediary (sextoy) is also the way to transmit HIV when this medium is contaminated with fluids, the blood of an HIV-infected person will penetrate into the enemy, because they can use sextoy for many subjects.
Measures to prevent HIV when homosexual
 - Healthy lifestyle, faithful relationship with a single partner; using condoms in the right way, right from the start and during sexual intercourse to prevent HIV and sexually transmitted infections
 - When having gay sex, pay attention to using lubricating gels to reduce scratches. Only have sex when you know the subject's health.
 - Ensuring clean hygiene of the oral, genital, anus or sterile organs, wearing condoms for gay sex support devices also helps reduce the risk of infection in both people.
In addition to being infected with HIV / AIDS, homosexual men often have inflammation of the rectum mucosa, hemorrhoids, digestive disorders, nervous breakdown, insomnia ... Therefore, it is advisable to avoid unsafe sex. safe. The trend of sexually transmitted infection is on the rise and has surpassed that of injecting drugs. Therefore, be aware of this risk to prevent it
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