Chest pain in women is one of the common phenomena that many women worry about not knowing what their illness is and whether it is a health risk. Many women worry that they have breast cancer when their breasts become sore. However breast pain is not a symptom for a cancer diagnosis. Up to 90% of breast pain patients are benign. The most common sufferers of chest pain are young women and menopausal women, pain can last directly affecting life, health and may also be a warning sign of animal cancer. Extremely dangerous breasts. Here are some sharing of bacsixanh, invite readers to find out.
Some of the main causes are chest pain during menstruation, pregnancy or possibly breast pain due to breast cancer.
Chest pain due to menstruation
Two-thirds of menstrual chest pain is the most common type. Pain usually occurs on both breasts but may be more painful on one side, pain in the upper quadrant than the rest. Breast pain usually occurs 2 weeks before menstruation and gradually increases until menstruation, especially 3 to 7 days before menstruation and subsides after menstruation. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, occurring before menstruation. You should note the above signs to reduce anxiety. Pain sensations are different on both sides of the breast. Some people have little pain, some people suffer a lot. Some people also suffer from ovulation until menstruation.
Chest pain during pregnancy
As the woman becomes pregnant, the mammary glands begin to grow, and the woman will see her larger breasts. When the fetus gets bigger, the mammary gland tissue becomes more and more, the pregnant woman feels the breasts full, a little pain. That is a normal phenomenon.
Chest pain due to breast cancer
Early-stage breast cancer is usually asymptomatic, but mammograms can show precancerous lesions or local cancers even though they are very small. Breast cancer is a common cancer in Vietnam. Early detection reduces mortality and increases the likelihood of cure. If at an early stage, the survival rate after 5 years more than 80% and there are many cases out completely.
In addition, chest pain in women can be due to pathology or physiology, so the distinction of pathological or physiological chest pain is extremely necessary. To determine the cause of chest pain, doctors will base on clinical symptoms, find out about chest pain and position of chest pain, chest examination. In particular, in women over the age of 35, if a breast lump is found, doctors may order some advanced tests to exclude the cause of breast cancer.
Breast ultrasound.
Chest biopsy Take a sample of tissue at the questioned point
Natural treatments:
There are many ways to relieve chest pain naturally, changing eating habits, and activities are also very effective. Eat plenty of foods that help increase the amount of unsaturated fat, avoiding eating too many foods high in saturated fat. Reduce your intake of caffeinated foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, coca cola, or chocolate. Reduce stress by exercising. While practicing, choose the right bra, which limits the movement of your breasts.